- The 2021/22 Sunday programme has been agreed and will be published in August. It contains several new runs following member suggestions
- The membership form was removed in early July and prospective new members advised to pay visitor fees until the 2021/22 form is available in late August
- A new arrangement will be introduced for booking Sunday helper dates whereby members select dates online up to 3 months on advance. This will provide a more flexible arrangement and reduce the high drop-out rate. It will be fully explained in an email to all members. As discussed at the AGM over 80’s will not be required to do helper duties
- Silke will set up a MAWA Instagram account, which is the preferred social media for a lot of our younger members
- The track at WAAS will be re-surfaced between October and February. Following consultation with our WAAS meet organisers, the committee agreed there will not be alternative Tuesday meetings in this period
- There will be all-ages State Cross Country and 20km Walk Championships. Check the Athletics West website for details and online entry
- There will be an Australian Masters Cross Country Championship in Adelaide. Check the AMA website for details and online entry
- Our 2021 State Track and Field Championship was highly successful attracting a record entry of 203
- A detailed review of Track and Field finances revealed that despite additional costs for floodlighting at ECAC we roughly broke even. Track fees at ECAC will remain at $3
- It was agreed that non-members could attend MAWA coaching sessions but must register and pay the $5 visitor fee. This is required for insurance purposes
- Barbara Blurton, Bob Schickert and Richard Blurton have been invited by AW to join the organising committee for the Australian Masters Games
- Richard Blurton will attend the AMA AGM in Tweed Heads in late August