Lake Monger – March 20 2022


in Road Results

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11 km Run
V17 43:46
1st M. Mitch Cleasby M60 45:37
2nd M. Andy Whiteside M45 47:45
1st F. Caroline Knight W40 48:13
3rd M. Scott Chambers M40 48:32
Steve Helm M60 49:50
2nd F. Eulalia Van Blomestein W50 50:56
Glenn Rogers M55 51:35
Lachy Marr M60 52:52
V13 53:16
V3 53:40
Rob Cattrall M60 53:42
Akos Gyarmathy M65 53:50
3rd F. Angela Hon W40 54:08
Mark Hoffmann M55 55:17
Sandra Siviour W50 55:23
V6 56:07
V15 56:14
V4 57:00
Prabuddha Nicol M65 57:11
Bob Colligan M60 57:24
V5 58:14
Drew Grosas M55 59:15
Mercurio Cicchini M70 59:19
Ceri Morton W35 59:20
John Cameron M55 59:22
Keith Miller M70 59:33
Don Pattinson M65 1:00:28
Oliver Mueller M55 1:00:47
Leon Mitchell M40 1:01:05
David Baird M75 1:03:19
Mark Sivyer M70 1:04:14
Peter Brooke M55 1:04:19
Charlie Chan M65 1:06:29
V2 1:08:06
Jo Muir W50 1:08:50
V7 1:10:15
Rohan Thompson M40 1:10:35
Noels Treen W60 1:13:23
Madeline Radestock W60 1:14:20
Jay Morris W40 1:14:40
Sian Owen W55 1:15:18
John Fisher M60 1:15:25
Craig Madden M50 1:15:31
Sharon Woodfield W55 1:20:28
John Dance M70 1:23:07
Amanda Wylde W35 1:23:46
Tim Inglis M60 1:25:52
7.5 km Run
1st M. Greg Knuckey M60 32:49
2nd M. Bob Lane M70 34:02
3rd M. Ralph Henderson M70 36:10
Pat Jones M50 37:36
Ian Carson M65 37:43
John Lucas M60 38:52
David Boyd M50 38:56
V16 40:58
1st F. Julie Wilson W65 41:23
2nd F. Rochelle Airey W50 41:39
3rd F. Liz Bryson W70 41:42
Mark Hewitt M65 42:40
Brett Montgomery M45 42:53
Rod Siviour M55 43:01
Bob Britton M60 45:10
Gillian Young W70 45:14
Denise Cleasby W60 46:51
Audra Rimmer W55 46:54
Gen Schreyvogel W50 47:24
Cherrie Byrnes W50 48:22
Mal Vernon M65 49:47
Rod Bickers M60 50:16
V12 53:36
Michaela Miller W45 54:14
Mel Montgomery W40 55:28
Bob Schickert M80 55:56
Dave Hogg M60 56:48
John Talbot M75 58:11
Melinda Fisher W55 58:13
Noelle Dawson W70 59:20
Steve Travell M65 1:05:52
Alan Cassels M75 1:06:49
Andy Wong M45 1:13:29
Frank Price M70 1:23:18
4 km Run
1st M. Chris Stansbury M50 16:54
1st F. Sandra Stockman W55 18:38
2nd M. Ross Keane M60 19:17
3rd M. Victor Munoz M65 20:32
Xinhuan Yan M45 20:43
Jim Langford M75 21:37
Jim Klinge M75 21:51
2nd F. Chris Pattinson W65 21:54
Randy Hobbs M60 22:11
Paul Hughes M65 22:42
Brian Bennett M70 23:07
Martin Watkins M75 23:45
3rd F. Margaret Saunders W65 23:54
Mary Taylor W65 27:12
Theresa Howe W70 27:39
Peter Hopper M75 27:44
Janne Wells W50 27:58
V10 28:03
Ginny Mulvey W60 28:28
Jackie Halberg W75 28:44
Andrew Thorpe M70 28:54
Stephen Grannells M55 29:33
Greg Wilson M70 30:57
Gem Hildyard W40 31:09
Jenny Hogg W55 31:15
John Pellier M80 31:33
Hazel Stephen W75 31:49
Heiner Huning M65 33:04
Richard Blurton M70 33:51
V8 41:10
7.5 km Walk
1st F. Karyn Tolardo W55 52:40
1st M. John McDonagh M70 54:08
2nd M. Johan Hagedoorn M75 55:26
3rd M. Lui Cecotti M70 57:32
John Bell M75 1:03:50
V1 1:06:20
2nd F. Lynne Schickert W80 1:09:25
3rd F. Kerry Bickers W60 1:21:41
Geoff O’Brien M75 1:21:41
Lesley Dowling W60 1:23:15
Margaret Bennett W80 1:23:21
Julie Wood W70 1:23:23
Pam English W75 1:23:24
4 km Walk
1st M. Mike Anderson M70 31:13
2nd M. David Gardiner M75 31:17
1st F. Sheila Pillay W50 35:10
3rd M. Norman Pillay M50 35:10
2nd F. Silke Peglow W50 35:29
3rd F. Glenys Duncan W80 36:45
Arnold Jenkins M75 36:49
Gary Fisher M65 37:14
Heather Miller W70 42:11
Jim Barnes M75 42:12
Jeff Whittam M85 42:30
Sofia Carson W60 42:52
Ros Pillay W70 42:58
Dorothy Whittam W85 43:53
Roma Barnett W70 44:41
Janet Jarvis W75 44:42
Joan Pellier W80 44:43
Sue Renton W70 45:57
Neil McRae M65 46:06
V9 46:17
Erika Blake W65 46:20
Paul Martin M80 48:20
Roger Walsh M75 48:21
Sofia Dumlao W40 52:19


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General Information

STOP PRESS – all State Champs events now at ECAC

Pole vault is now on Friday 14th February.
Please read this information note before entering.
Information note Part 2

Entry Form Part 2

Sunday Run visitor registration

Visitors pre-register for next Sunday Run


New or elapsed members should fill in this form, (fee is $60 metro, $50 country) – new member/elapsed member form

Helper Registration

Follow this link to register as a helper – Helper Registration



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