- Membership peaked at 770 at the end of September but is now just under 600 in the new membership year. This large drop was expected due to covid-related reasons.
- The new Sunday helper registration is working well – members need to remember to sign up as new runs appear on the list.
- Agreed with VenuesWest that we will acquire a high jump mat from them at no cost to be permanently positioned at ECAC.
- We received a trust fund residue of $5000 that must be spent on capital equipment. The committee has agreed the club will purchase throwing implement measuring equipment, a rain cover for the high jump mat, a trolley for starting blocks and a spare e-gun.
- MAWA State Championship dates were agreed with AW. 27th February for pentathlons and 12th/13th March for the main weekend.
- Silke has set up a MAWA Instagram account.
- Richard and Gillian attended the AMA AGM via Zoom.
- A Sunday ‘early start’ policy was agreed and disseminated.
- We were delighted to appoint Karyn Tolardo to the Committee. Our walkers form a strong part of the club and it is good that they will be represented at Committee level.
- Rochelle will continue being responsible for trophies and medals, Mark for track and field and Silke for communications and social media. Karyn and John will share the Road Coordinator role. Karyn will take responsibility for ensuring the first aid box is fully stocked.
- The Weir Run will become our 10k road running championships.