Canning Caper – December 11 2022


in Road Results

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10km Handicap Run
Clock Time Handicap Run Time
1st M – Eddie Marcus M50 01:04:12 12.13 51.59
1st F – Wendy Grace W65 01:04:50 10.29 54.21
2nd M – Michihito Muroi M60 01:05:07 9.31 55.36
3rd M – Jason Kell M45 01:05:24 12.54 52.30
2nd F – Shalini Watson W50 01:05:33 5.03 60.30
Bruce McGeorge M65 01:05:34 7.22 58.12
Gopal Gupta M55 01:05:41 2.10 63.31
Andy Wong M45 01:05:57 2.06 63.51
Drew Grosas M55 01:06:05 16.57 49.08
Charlie Chan M70 01:06:11 9.49 56.22
Will Taylor M60 01:06:27 13.41 52.46
Keith Miller M70 01:06:31 16.04 50.27
Michael Pascoe M60 01:06:32 16.15 50.17
Brett Montgomery M45 01:06:34 9.51 56.43
3rd F – Rochelle Airey W50 01:06:36 14.21 52.15
Rashanthi Wanigasekera W45 01:06:52 4.52 62.00
Scott Chambers M45 01:07:07 25.04 42.03
David Baird M75 01:07:31 11.05 56.26
Madeline Radestock W60 01:07:35 5.02 62.33
Paul Every M55 01:07:48 17.11 50.37
Julie Wilson W65 01:07:50 11.34 56.16
Karen March W60 01:07:57 18.35 49.22
Peter Clark M55 01:08:08 22.04 46.04
Tommy Glackin M40 01:08:12 21.23 46.49
Peter March M60 01:08:18 20.51 47.27
Tristan Bell M55 01:08:20 19.51 48.29
Jerry Peters M45 01:08:33 26.26 42.07
Paul Watson M55 01:09:38 29.51 39.47
John Fisher M60 01:09:42 16.18 53.24
Brian Bennett M75 01:10:05 9.54 60.11
Rohan Thompson M40 01:10:56 7.40 63.16
Andrew Thorpe M70 01:11:13 0.02 71.11
Steve Barrie M60 01:15:21 0.00 75.21
Bob Britton M60 01:18:21 8.46 69.35
David Adams M45 01:19:13 26.30 52.43
Noelle Dawson W70 01:19:49 0.00 79.49
John Talbot M75 01:20:09 0.00 80.09
David Carr M90 01:20:56 4.10 76.46
Not Eligible
V17 59:51 7.00 52.51
V6 01:02:31 7.00 55.31
V12 01:03:04 17.00 46.04
Ruth Metcalf W55 01:03:29 0.00 63.29
V1 01:03:30 5.00 58.30
Elizabeth Gomez W40 01:04:25 12.54 51.31
V2 01:04:40 15.00 49.40
Gloria Lau W70 01:04:49 0.00 64.49
John Herzfeld M55 01:04:56 18.10 46.46
V15 01:05:12 25.00 40.12
Kim Ribbink W55 01:05:17 2.00 63.17
V13 01:05:24 28.00 37.24
Tom Atkinson M55 01:05:32 8.38 56.54
V10 01:05:56 27.00 38.56
Ceri Morton W35 01:06:09 19.00 47.09
Jo Muir W50 01:06:14 7.00 59.14
Adrian Kenny M45 01:06:15 6.07 60.08
Caroline Clark W50 01:06:34 9.36 56.58
John Pentecost M60 01:06:42 18.37 48.05
V7 01:08:23 12.00 56.23
V8 01:09:17 25.00 44.17
V5 01:22:44 0.00 82.44
V4 01:22:45 0.00 82.45
6 km Run
1st M -Greg Knuckey M60 24:33
2nd M -Alex Tinniswood M40 27:40
3rd M – Blakeney Tindall M60 28:11
Bob Lane M70 28:13
Mark Dawson M60 28:53
Mark Kerr M50 29:29
Bernard Candy M60 29:39
Xinhuan Yan M45 30:18
Mercurio Cicchini M70 30:44
Geoff Vine M75 31:43
Peter Brooke M60 31:44
1st F – Margaret Saunders W65 32:29
Jim Langford M75 32:49
Mark Hewitt M70 33:05
2nd F – Anne Young W45 33:21
John Panegyres M55 33:35
Dante Giacomin M50 33:51
3rd F – Gayle Craft W65 34:10
Gillian Young W75 34:12
Sandra Rourke W55 37:39
Peter Tietz M70 39:07
Isolde Tietz W70 39:08
Sofia Dumlao W40 40:29
Randy Hobbs M60 40:30
Leon Mitchell M40 40:32
Ngaio Kerr W50 40:41
Wayne Taylor M60 41:55
Dave Hogg M60 41:58
Kerry Bickers W60 42:05
Mel Montgomery W40 42:42
Rod Bickers M60 42:57
V9 43:27
Stephen Grannells M55 44:23
Melinda Fisher W55 45:29
Richard Blurton M70 47:55
Hazel Stephen W75 48:39
Jen Owen W65 52:39
John Pellier M80 53:58
10 km Walk
1st M – Johan Hagedoorn M75 01:14:06
6km Handicap Walk
Clock Time Handicap Run Time
Lui Cecotti M75 52:40 9.20 43.20
Jim Klinge M75 53:38 12.42 40.56
Karyn Tolardo W55 53:59 17.35 36.24
Erika Fardig W65 54:05 0.55 53.10
Phillippa Bennett W60 54:50 6.42 48.08
Sean Keane M55 54:53 3.58 50.55
Victor Munoz M65 55:01 15.51 39.10
Glenys Duncan W80 55:40 0.00 55.40
Peggy Macliver W75 55:45 8.26 47.19
Geoff O’Brien M75 55:47 10.21 45.26
Delia Baldock W60 55:55 9.20 46.35
John McDonagh M70 56:12 15.00 41.12
Heather Miller W70 56:44 0.00 56.44
Andrew Duncan M55 57:14 23.02 34.12
Marcela Ruiz W60 58:14 11.34 46.40
Arnie Jenkins M75 58:32 2.21 56.11
Rex Bruce M80 58:45 1.11 57.34
Rosa Wallis W75 01:03:09 0.00 63.09
Margaret Bennett W80 01:05:52 0.00 65.52
Joan Pellier W80 01:05:54 0.00 65.54
Neil McRae M70 01:07:20 0.00 67.20
Ros Pillay W70 01:08:56 0.00 68.56
Mike Hale M75 01:09:29 9.27 60.02
Not Eligible
Grace Hollin W65 49:13 1.23 47.50
Fiona Van Heerwaarden W45 01:00:03 14.12 45.51
V3 01:12:16 0.00 72.16


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